Free Estimate

Free Palm Springs Roofing Estimate

Thanks for your interest in having Palm Springs Roofing, Inc. provide you with a free estimate for your roofing project. Please fill out the following form to the best of your knowledge, as this will help expedite the roofing estimate process.

Please Note: If you require an estimate on a structure or property that is currently in escrow, there may be a nominal fee assessed, to allow for the additional paperwork required.

  • First, please tell us how we can reach you:

  • Now, please tell us about your roofing project:

  • Almost done! Some final info we need:

  • Knowing your budget is very important - it helps us determine which type(s) of roofing may be a good fit for your structure, needs, and budget.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.